Verteidigungsbereich Toulon is a German C-class infantry division in Steel Division II Nemesis Division series. Verteidigungsbereich Toulon (Defensive Perimeter Toulon) formed the impromptu garrison of France’s important Mediterranean naval base during Operation Dragoon. This ad hoc battlegroup featured elements from the 242. Infanterie-Divison, Kriegsmarine troops, artillery units, and put up a fierce fight during the Allied liberation of Toulon.
A wide range of different infantry, vehicles, and guns can be found in this formation. This includes regular Grenadier and various Kriegsmarine squads, including Marineinfanterie, MEK and Brandenburger special forces, Italian Maro marines, and even stranded fanatical U-boot crews. Lacking in armor and air cover, Verteidigungsbereich Toulon compensates with very strong artillery and AA guns, fielding Yugoslavian 100mm to Soviet 152mm howitzers, powerful Flak 38 105mm and deadly Flakzwilling 37mm guns.
Verteidigungsbereich Toulon is an excellent defensive battlegroup with many versatile units but lacks offensive armored firepower.