Steel Division Wiki

For the Steel Division II unit see SD2:Vickers HMG (Can)

Vickers HMG is a Canadian Infantry unit.

Overview[ | ]

An improved Maxim machine gun, the Vickers HMG was a reliable machine gun used by the British from the First World War up to the late twentieth century. It was an infantry machine gun, but Vickers variants also saw service on armoured vehicles and were used as anti-aircraft defence on ships.

Like all Commonwealth Infantry Division that had their Vickers HMG in a Machine Gun Battalion. 3rd Canadian Infantry had theirs in The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa. The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa had three companies of Vickers HMG along with a company of 4.2-in Mortar (Can).

Strategy[ | ]

Machine guns are effective at pinning down enemy infantry and can also inflict damage on half tracks or jeeps. Like infantry, they should be stationed in bocage terrain or urban terrain.

The Vickers is limited by its 500m range, the shortest MG range in the game, but can be fielded in more numbers than other MGs.

Gallery[ | ]

3rd infantry division