Steel Division Wiki

For the Steel Division II unit see SD2:Storm Troopers

Storm Troopers is a Canadian Infantry unit.

Overview[ | ]

The concept of stormtroopers dated back to the WW1, where the German Empire equiped some soldiers with light equipment, submachineguns (which were relatively new) and extra grenades. These soldiers would run to the enemy trenches, clearing them out with there submachineguns and grenades. The allies were so impressed with the efficiency, that they copied the concept and used it them self.

The concept was further developed between the 2 wars, and almost every nation had some form of assault troopers during the start of the war. The Germans had their Panzergrenadiers, the Americans had their Rangers, the British Assault troops and the Canadian had their Stormtroopers.

The Stormtroopers [1] from the Star Wars franchise are also based on these type of soldiers

Strategy[ | ]

Assault[ | ]

Because the Stormtroopers carry only submachineguns, the are best use at short range where they can inflict massive damage to enemy forces. The sort range of the weapons does mean that the need to advance either under cover or being supported by longer range units.

Their lack of anti-tank weapons means that they either need to run at the first sight of a tank, or need to be teamed with a unit with anti-tank capacity

3rd infantry division