Ram II is a Canadian Tank unit. It is a Canadian-built & designed tank armed with a 6-pdr Mk.V. The tank is also a leader unit, boosting the combat performance of nearby units. It makes an immediate impact in phase A, as its armour allows it to bounce hits from early-game AT units such as the Pak 38.
Overview[ | ]
An indigenous Canadian design created in response to a shortage of cruiser tanks in Canadian service in 1941, the Ram tank was based on the M3 Lee interim tank created by the United States. It was largerly a learning experience for the Canadian industry, which did not produce a tank beforehand. The design of the M3 was heavily modified and ultimately only the lower hull, engine, drive train, and transmission were retained. The upper chassis was a Canadian design, providing better armor and reduced profile than the M3 and accommodating a fully rotating turret mounting a QF 6-pounder gun.
The prototype was completed in November 1941, with serial production beginning shortly. Although over 2000 tanks were produced, the Ram was not used as a line tank, due to inferior armament and protection, as opposed to the Sherman, which became the standard tank of North American forces. However, conversions of the Ram were highly successful, including the Sexton self-propelled howitzer, Kangaroo personnel carriers, and artillery observation verhicles.
There were 3 main versions of the M4A5 Ram cruiser tank.
Mk.I which had a box turret & sported a 2-pdr. Mk.III & had the cal .30 MG sponson turret on the left chassis.
Mk.II which upgraded the Gun, now with the main change being the mantlet & gun. It sported a 6-pdr. Mk.IV gun, it kept the sponson turret as well.
Mk.III was the final version, the chassis finally got a make-over & replaced the sponson turret with a ball mounted gun. They also replaced the current Main gun with a later 6-pdr. Mk.V
Strategy[ | ]
Only one Ram is allocated to the player and to make maximum use out of it, it should best be deployed in phase A. The tank is a formidable opponent in the early phase, clad in thick armour and sporting the 6-pdr gun. Combined with its leadership ability, the Ram is a powerful tank unit capable of inspiring nearby troops and dealing with a wide variety of enemy vehicles while it enjoys safety from most German AT threats in this phase. In fact, only the Beute Firefly directly poses a threat to the Ram at maximum range.
Its greatest disadvantage is its lack of HE shells, making it mostly unsuitable to deal with soft targets. Despite this, the Ram is useful throughout the game, as it remains a powerful and well-armoured leader tank.
Gallery[ | ]