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For the Steel Division II unit see SD2:Panzer IV G

Panzer IV G is a German Tank unit.

Overview[ | ]

Main article: Panzer IV

The workhorse of the Nazi war machine, Panzer IV started its long service in 1936 as a fire support tank, equipped with a short-barreled 7.5 cm KwK 37 L/24 howitzer. In this role, Panzer IV would focus on taking out enemy fortifications, anti-tank emplacements, and infantry from a long range, protecting the lighter, faster Panzer III tanks focusing on taking out enemy armor. However, following Fall Barbarossa and the shock of fighting against superior Soviet tanks, it quickly displaced Panzer III as the primary battle tank. Krupp's design was larger, sturdier, and could readily accept significant armor upgrades and long-barreled guns capable of defeating Soviet armor. The Panzer IV chassis was used as the base for many other fighting vehicles. 8,553 Panzer IVs of all versions were built during World War II, a production run in Axis forces only exceeded by the StuG III assault gun with 10,086 vehicles. A significant number of these tanks was also transferred to Axis allies and continued to used in various militaries worldwide after the War ended.

The Panzer IV Ausf. G was an iterative development of Ausf. F2 introduced in June 1941, developed in response to the challenges of the Soviet campaign. Apart from further improving the design to accommodate the long-barreled 7.5 cm KwK, it removed a number of extraneous features to simplify manufacture and maintenance. 1687 Panzer IV Gs were produced before Panzer IV H replaced them, but a number of these tanks remained in service long after their younger brethren appeared.

The Panzer IV replaced the captured French tanks of 21. Panzer with the last of the crews hasty sent back to the rear to pick up German tanks. Unlike their other counterparts in other Panzer Divisions, 21. Panzer's Panzer Regiment 100 never got Pathers until the end of the Normandy Campaign.

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21 panzer