- For the Steel Division II unit see SD2:Marder III M
Marder III M is a German Anti-tank unit. It is in essence a Pak 40 mounted on an open-top Panzer 38(t) chassis (a design of Czech origin), making it a mobile gun carriage that packs a punch but is incredibly vulnerable to any form of enemy fire. The Marder series consisted of using obsolete Panzer chassis to use as a carriage for the potent Pak 40 gun, which in 1942 was heavily depended upon to combat Soviet medium & heavy tanks on the Eastern front.
- Marder I: Pak 40 mounted on the French Lorraine chassis (artillery tractor / APC)
- marder II: Pak 40 mounted on the Panzer II chassis
- Marder III: Pak 40 mounted on the Panzer 38(t) chassis
Overview[ | ]
A simple conversion of the Panzer 38(t), the Marder (Marten) was the pinnacle of the improvised tank destroyer series, combining the proven light tank chassis with a high powered gun to create a cheap, effective counter for enemy tanks in the Soviet Union and North Africa. The conversion took place at the Böhmisch-Mährische Maschinenfabrik, which was the original ČKD factory renamed under Nazi occupation.
The turret of the original tank was removed and replaced with an armored superstructure bolted together from armored plates, providing limited protection from the front and to the sides. The main gun was a captured Soviet F-22 76.2mm divisional gun, with a hull-mounted MG 34 for self-defense. Although it had a high silhouette and was extremely vulnerable to return or artillery fire, the high-powered main gun combined with German optics made them capable fighting vehicles. Improvements to the design focused on lowering the profile, with Ausf. H full utilizing the fighting compartment and providing a purpose-designed open-topped casemate for the gun. A total of 344 early versions were produced, with an additional 275 vehicles and 175 conversions of the Ausf. H variant.
The final model, Ausf. M, was redesigned to provide significant improvements. Sacrificing the front machine gun for a sloped glacis plate and moving the engine from the rear to the middle of the vehicle reduced the vehicle's visibility and improved protection, while the enclosed fighting compartment provided decent protection for the gun crew from all sides, except for the top. The number of crew in the rear was also increased by adding the radio operator, who assisted the commander and gunner as a loader. 942 Ausf. M destroyers were produced, serving until the end of the war.
Strategy[ | ]
The Marder IIIM (or all Marders, for that matter) is NOT a tank destroyer like the StuG, Jagdpanzer, or especially the Jagdpanther. It cannot withstand any punishment from enemy tank fire and should be regarded and treated as an anti-tank gun on wheels - a less survivable one at that.
The Marder IIIM should mainly benefit from its 1200m range in engaging units that cannot fire at that range. In addition to being an anti-tank unit, it also has the capability to fire HE shells against soft targets. Unfortunately, Marders fielded in the game are inexperienced and this makes them a hard-hitting glass cannon that may need a few shots to take down an enemy.
The Marder IIIM is basically vulnerable to everything that lands in its proximity: artillery, tank / gun fire but especially airpower. One bombing run by, for example, a heavy B-26B Marauder bomber will without fail destroy a Marder IIIM - and this will happen, as the Marder is a lucrative high-value thinly armoured target for Allied airborne divison players. The AT unit is thus best committed in skies not dominated by Allied aircraft.