M22 is a United States Tank unit.
Overview[ | ]
M22 is built in order to fill a British requirement for a Airborne Light Tank since the Tetrarch was not designed for the role. These Tank had issues with transportation since C-54 need airports to offload the M22 and the CG-10A were not ready during the Normandy Landing.
Two American Units were equipped with M22 Locust but never left the United States 151st Airborne Tank Company and the 28th Airborne Tank Battalion. 151st Tank Company was inactivated Stateside while the 28th Airborne Tank Battalion was converted into a normal Tank Battalion and sent to the Philippines.
Only combat use was with 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment of the 6th Airborne during Operation Varsity replaced their Tetrarch with these tank during the airborne stage of the operation.
Strategy[ | ]