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Steel Division Wiki

For the Steel Division II unit see SD2:Fs-Jäger

Fs-Jäger is a German Infantry unit.

Overview[ | ]

Fs-Jäger represent the wikipedia:Fallschirmjäger (World War II) that was first created 1933 as a Police unit under the control of Hermann Göring. In 1935 the unit was transformed into the first of the German Airborne Formations under the command of Luftwaffe. These infantry were among the toughest opponents that the allied fought in Normandy.

In the 91. Luftlande, Fs-Jäger represent the 6. Fallschirmjäger-Regiment that was attached to the division.

Fs-Jäger serve as organic infantry of 3. Fallschirmjäger.

Mode d'employ[ | ]

Fs-Jäger is a 10-men squad moving at a speed of 20km/h instead of the usual 18km/h of infantry. The best way to use this unit is dictated by the statistics of the weapons the unit carries into battle:

  • Ingame the wikipedia:FG 42 does the same amount of damage as the wikipedia:StG 44 but with 100m more range.
  • Ingame the G43 has the same stats as the M1 Garand, which is better then the Karabiner 98K or the Lee-Enfield.
  • Ingame the double MG 34 cannot fire while moving, and do not fire at ranges of less then 101m at all!!!

In certain situations, it is prudent to put a hidden Fs-Jäger unit on "return-fire" until an approaching enemy unit comes as close as 300m, instead of opening fire at 400m!

3 fallschirmjager