Steel Division Wiki

Beo.Storch (210mm) is a German Air unit in Second Wave. It is a Fieseler Fi 156 "Storch" acting as artillery observer for 210mm off-map artillery.

Overview[ | ]

This Beo.Storch is spotting for a 21 cm Mörser 18 off-map battery. 21 cm Mörser 18 replaced the Great War era 21 cm Mörser 16. The Gun carriage had a  dual-recoil syste a dual-recoil system in which  whole top carriage, which carried the barrel and its cradle, recoiled across the main part of the carriage. The Gun carriage was also used by 17 cm Kanone 18 that Beo.Storch (173mm) spots for. Production started in 1939 and ended in 1942 being replaced by 17 cm Kanone 18 but production restarted in 1943. 21 cm Mörser 18 were used by independent artillery battalion and batteries along with coastal artillery forces.

The unit carries 36 rounds of ammo, meaning that each strike will come with 12 shots/explosions.

“Emergency” “Fire for effect” “Barrage”
Aiming time 32 sec 48 sec 64 sec
Shots fired 12 12 12
Dispersion 261m 174m 101m

According to the file "GameData/Gameplay/Gfx/Generated/Ammunition.ndf" each type of artike uses a different ammunition type. Each does a physical damage of 4.2 and has an AoE of 67m, they differ only in their dispersion values.

The dispersion represent the radial accuracy.

Strategy[ | ]

16 luftwaffen