Steel Division Wiki

For the Steel Division: Normandy 44 unit see SD:Tiger E

Tiger E is a German Tank unit in Steel Division II.

Background[ | ]

Main article: Tiger

The legendary heavy tank of the Third Reich had a long development history. Its origins lie in the Waffenamt's 1935 request for a new tank capable of going against French Char 2C and Char B1 heavy tanks, with the various designs proposed by Henschel, Porsche, and Krupp coalescing into a 54 ton heavy tank bearing the 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56 tank gun that entered production in August 1942. The immense weight of the Tiger, a result of the increase in armour ordered after the experiences of Fall Barbarossa and engagements with T-34 and KV-1 tanks, resulted in a design that pushed the limits of German engineering to the breaking point.

The Tiger proved to be a deadly adversary when properly maintained and manned by experienced crews. The combination of a powerful main gun, thick armor, and a powerful engine - Maybach HL 210 P45 650 HP (HL 230 P45 700 HP from the 251st produced) - made it a deadly predator, stalking the battlefields. Fortunately for the Allies and Soviets, the Tiger was prohibitively expensive to construct, with only 1 347 produced before production switched to its younger sibling, the Bengal Tiger, in 1944. . The last 54 Tigers produced in 1944 (before production switched to the Tiger B or Königstiger) were actually refurbished hulls mated to whatever functional turrets and components remained in stock.

The Tiger followed a rather conventional design and has a rather box-like structure instead of sloped armour as was introduced in the Panther. Less effective, the Tiger's armour nonetheless proved to be nigh impervious to most Allied anti-tank fire at the time. When first encountered in Tunisia, 1942, the heavy tank was virtually impervious to British 6-pdrs. This prompted the Allies to introduce more powerful anti-tank weaponry such as the 17-pdr and the 76mm. Its key shortcomings were the lack of sufficiently trained crews, especially as the war progressed, and the high costs of manufacture.

Orders of battle[ | ]

schwere Panzerabteilung 501 supported the various Infantry Divisions. In-game the Panzerabteilung supported the 14. Infanterie and with the last four Tiger tanks supported Korück 559.

Schwere Panzerabteilung 505 was attached to 5. Panzer at 2/3 strength.

Half of Schwere Panzerabteilung 507 detrained at Baranovichi later in the campaign support Gruppe Harteneck.

5 Tiger E from 3. SS-Panzerdivision (Totenkopf)'s 9th company returning from their workshop served with and along side Fallschirm-Panzer "Hermann Göring".

A dozen tigers from schewre Panzerabteilung 504 supported 1. Fallschirmjäger.

A company from schewre Panzerabteilung 508 supported 715. Infanterie.

A schwere SS-Panzer-Kompanie from SS-schewre Panzerabteilung 104 were attached to SS-Panzer-Brigade "Gross" one of the subunits of Panzerverband Strachwitz

Panzergrenadier "Großdeutschland" in its third abteilung of it Panzer Regiment equipped with Tiger E tanks.

Panzerdivision Tatra's Panzerabteilung Tatra had three Tigers.

Gruppe Hinz which supported 4. Fallschirmjäger has 6 Tigers E from schwere Panzerabteilung 508

Schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 101 supported 12. SS-Panzer.

715. Infanterie was supported by schwere Panzerabteilung 508.

16. Panzer was supported by schwere Panzerabteilung 509.

Camos[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

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