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For the Steel Division: Normandy 44 unit see SD:M8

M8 is a United States Recon unit in Steel Division II.

Background[ | ]

The M8 armoured car was originally intended to be a fast tank destroyer. The design was accepted in April 1942, though it had become clear by then that the 37mm gun would be inadequate in future combat engagements. Instead, the M8 took on the role of a reconnaissance vehicle, making contact with enemy troops and reporting on their dispositions and strength. For this purpose, it was outfitted with powerful radios. Its thin armour offered enough protection to withstand small arms fire and shrapnel while its gun could engage lightly armoured vehicles and infantry. A variant, the M20 utility car, was also produced in large numbers. Over 8000 Greyhounds were produced in total from 1943 to 1945, making it the most produced armoured car. The M8 was also exported to Allied nations and Resistance armies and saw continued use after the war, among others in the Korean war. Some vehicles can still be found in service in Africa and South America.

M8 were used in the 2nd Reconnaissance Troop in the 2nd Infantry. A Reconnaissance Troop in an Infantry Division has three platoons with an Armored Car section with three M8 and a Jeep section with 6 Jeeps.

3rd Armored had 83rd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion. Along with the 83rd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, each armored regiment has a Reconaisance Company.

Task Force Butler has 117th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron which had a three Cavalry Reconnaissance Troops each with three Reconnaissance platoons each with three M8 along with Jeep-based Scouts.

The Self-propelled Tank Destroyer battalion has reconnaissance company with 6 M8 organized into three platoons of two M8 along with 5 Jeeps. Towed Tank Destroyer battalion has two reconnaissance platoon each with two M8.

101st Airborne Division had 24th Cavalry Recon Squadron attached between 2-17 Aug 44.

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