Steel Division Wiki

For the Steel Division: Normandy 44 unit see SD:IG 18

IG 18 is a German Support unit in Steel Division II.

Background[ | ]

The 7,5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (7,5 cm le.IG 18) was designed between 1927 and 1932 by Rheinmetall, to provide German infantry with a mobile and effective fire support weapon. Protected by an armored shield, the gun was an effective design, with 12,000 manufactured between 1932 and the end of the war.

Each Grenadier Regiment had a infantry howitzer company similar to the American Cannon Company. Like the American Cannon company infantry howitzer company was manned by infantrymen. This company has three two gun IG 18 platoons along with another platoon of two S.IG 33 infantry howitzers. These infantry howitzer provide close artillery support to the infantry battalions.

Like their Grenadier counterparts Sturmregiment 78. Sturm had a 13th Kompanie equipped with two two gun IG 18 platoons along with another platoon of two S.IG 33 infantry howitzers.

28. Jäger's Jager Battalion has a Infantry Gun Platoon of two IG 18 in their Heavy Company.

Motorized Panzer grenadier battalion had a Infantry Gun section of two IG 18 in the late 1943 organization that may lingered due to supply issues.

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