- For the Steel Division: Normandy 44 unit see SD:Bewährungs.
Bewährungs. is a German Infantry unit in Steel Division II.
Background[ | ]
Bewährungstruppen (Probation Units) were recruited out of court-martialed military personnel, as disposable shock troops to use on dangerous missions. If they survived the mission and accomplished their objectives, they would be reinstated as a soldier and their sentence annulled. As military prisoners, they worked under strict supervision by their officers. Unlike conscripts drawn from civilian prisons, their combat ability was quite high, as all of them were trained soldiers with combat experience - and unlike normal soldiers, they got less or no leave from front service, resulting in intense training by doing and/or dying. Unsurprisingly, penal battalions suffered very high attrition throughout the war, but soldiers considered it a preferable alternative to slowly withering in Saxon moorlands or executions.
Unlike the Normandy Campaign in the Eastern Front Strafbataillon were used in front line combat.
Festung Groß-Paris call on prisoners from a Military Prison to form ad-hoc Bewährungstruppen.
Available Transport[ | ]
78. Sturm | Festung Groß-Paris | |
Opel Blitz | 150 | |
SD2:DMA | 200 |
Strategy[ | ]
See also[ | ]
Shatrafniki Soviet Counterparts
The dead men can never talk[ | ]
Deserters, sabotagers, defeatists, these men are filled in Bewhrungs bataillons, named with 5xx. Their gears are all from enemies, PPSH, Mosin Nagants and DPs. You don`t want to waste resources on these sorry asses,do ya? Low morale, scrubby fire arms and the fate of nearly certain death, you cannot expect these men have any loyalty. Put MPs around them, cause they will break in secs if enemies` firing powers too strong.