Steel Division Wiki
Steel Division Wiki

3rd Armored (SD2) is an A-rated Allied Armored division in Steel Division II, available as part of the Back to War pack.

Suffering for weeks in "hedgerow hell" and the heavy fighting for Saint-Lô, the "Spearhead" finally broke into rolling country with Operation Cobra. From then, true to its nickname, the 3rd Armoured engaged in a race towards the Seine, capturing tens of thousands of German troops in the process.

Leading his heavy division through the Cotentin's 'hedgerow hell', Watson had to adapt and develop new tactics to fight in such a close environment. A WW1 infantry veteran, Watson transferred to the forming armoured forces in the Interwar, rising to command of his own armoured regiment in 1940. Given command of 3rd Armoured Division, he led it through the Normandy campaign, especially the vicious fighting in the bocage and for Saint-Lô. Afterwards, he played a major part in the American breakthrough out of bocage country and in the battle of Falaise. Yet, he was soon to be demoted and stripped of his command by Eisenhower for having let a major tank and truck jam develop behind the lines. But by the end of the war, he had recovered his general’s stars and was back leading an infantry division.

Real world composition[ | ]

  • Headquarters Company
  • Service Company
  • Combat Command A
  • Combat Command B
  • 36th Armored Infantry Regiment
  • 32d Armored Regiment
  • 33d Armored Regiment
  • 23d Armored Engineer Battalion
  • 83d Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
  • 143d Armored Signal Co
  • 3d Armored Division Artillery
  • 391st Armored Field Artillery Battalion
  • 67th Armored Field Artillery Battalion
  • 54th Armored Field Artillery Battalion
  • 3d Armored Division Trains
  • 3d Ordnance Maintenance Battalion
  • Supply Battalion
  • 45th Armored Medical Battalion
  • Military Police Platoon

Battlegroup[ | ]

Activation Points Battlegroup slots
Recon Inf Tank Sup AT AA Art Air Defense
Total 5 5 10 8 6 3 7 4 4
1 AP 2 2 5 4 2 3 2
2 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 1
3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1

Available units[ | ]

Recon[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
Jeep hmg us sd2

Jeep .50 (US)

10 [2] 6 4 12 8
Scout small us sd2


15 [2] 4 3 2 8 6 4 12 9 6
Scout us sd2

Scouts (US)

20 [3] 3 2 6 4 9 6
Stuart m5a1 50 us sd2

M5A1 Recon

35 [1] 5 4 3 10 8 6 15 12 9
M8 greyhound us sd2


35 [3] 4 3 2 8 6 4 12 9 6

Infantry[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
Rifle arm early us sd2

Arm. Rifles

20 [2] 9 6 3 18 12 6 27 18 9
Rifle ldr arm early us sd2

Arm. Leader

25 [1] 3 2 6 4
Rifle ldr arm late us sd2

Arm. Leader (SMG)

25 [1] 3 2 6 4
Rifle arm lmg early us sd2

Arm. LMG Rifles

25 [1] 9 6 3 18 12 6
Rifle arm late us sd2

Arm. Rifles (BAR)

25 [1] 9 6 3 18 12 6 27 18 9
Engineer ldr us sd2

Engineer Leader (US)

25 [1] 3 2
Engineers arm us sd2

Engineers (US)

25 [2] 6 5 4 12 10 9 18 15 13

Tank[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
Stuart m5a1 command us sd2


30 [1] 3 2 6 4
Stuart m5a1 us sd2


30 [3] 8 6 4 16 12 8 24 18 12
Sherman m4a1 cmd sd2


70 [2] 2 1 4 2 6 3
Sherman m4a1 us sd2


70 [4] 6 4 2 12 8 4 18 12 6
Sherman m4a375w us sd2


80 [2] 10 7 5 15 11 7
M4a1 76 us sd2


85 [2] 4 3 2 8 6 4 12 9 6
M4a1 76 cmd us sd2

M4A1(76) CMD

85 [1] 2 1 4 2
Sherman jumbo sd2

M4A3E2 Jumbo

140 [2] 2 1 4 2 1 6 3 1

Support[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
Flamethrower us sd2


15 [2] 6 4 2 9 6 3
Hmg m1917 browning us sd2

M1919 MMG

20 [3] 6 4 2 12 8 4 20 13 7
Hmg m1917 browning us sd2


25 [3] 5 4 3 10 8 6 15 12 9
Scott us sd2

M8 Scott

25 [1] 5 4 3 10 8 6 15 12 9
Hmg m2hb us sd2


35 [2] 4 3 2 8 6 4 12 9 6
M8 greyhound cmd us sd2


40 [1] 2 1 4 2
Truck gmc us sd2

GMC Supply

40 [3] 2 4 6
Halftrack m2 supply us sd2

M2 HT Supply

40 [1] 2 4 6
M4 105 us sd2


65 [1] 2 1 1 4 3 1 8 5 3
Sherman m4a375w us sd2


70 [1] 4 3 1 8 5 3
Commander us sd2

Commander (US)

110 [1] 1
M20 command car us sd2

M20 Commander

120 [1] 1
Sherman m4 co us sd2

M4(75)W Commander

140 [1] 1

Anti-tank[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
Bazooka us sd2

Bazooka (US)

20 [4] 6 4 2 12 8 4 18 12 6
Canon 6pdr us sd2

M1 Gun 57mm

45 [3] 4 3 2 8 6 4 12 9 6
Canon 76mm us sd2

M5 Gun 76mm

65 [3] 3 1 1 6 3 1 9 4 2
M10a1 wolverine us sd2

M10A1 Destroyer

80 [2] 3 2 1 6 4 2 9 6 3

Anti-air[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
Halftrack m16 aa us sd2


60 [1] 3 2 1 6 4 2 9 6 3
Halftrack m15 aa us sd2


85 [2] 2 1 4 2 1
Dca bofors us sd2

Bofors 40mm (US)

90 [1] 3 2 1 6 4 2 9 6 3

Artillery[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
Mortier 60mm us sd2

Mortar 60mm

40 [3] 8 6 14 11 20 15
Rifle ldr arm early us sd2

Artillery CMD (US)

50 [1] 2 1 4 2 6 3
Priest us sd2

M7 HMC 105mm

90 [6] 2 1 4 2 1 6 3 1
Halftrack m21 mortier us sd2

M21 MMC 81mm

105 [4] 2 1 4 2 1 6 3 1
M12 gmc us

M12 GMC 155mm

125 [2] 2 1 3 2 1
Howz longtom 155mm us sd2

M1A1 'Long Tom' 155mm

130 [3] 1 2 1 4 2 1
Sherman calliope sd2

M4A3(W) Calliope 114mm

130 [1] 2 1 4 2 1
Sherman m4a1op us sd2

M4A1 OP (155mm)

170 [2] 1 2 3

Air[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
L2 grasshopper us sd2

L-4H Recon Plane (US)

10 [1] 6 4 2 9 6 3
F6c mustang us sd2

F-6C Recon Plane

85 [2] 1 2 1 4 2
Marauder b26b 450 us sd2

B-26B-4-MA Marauder Heavy Bomber 45kg

105 [2] 2 1 4 3 1 7 5 2
P51d mustang us sd2

P-51D-5 Dogfighter

120 [2] 4 3 2 8 5 4 12 8 6
Marauder b26b 45 us sd2

B-26B-4-MA Marauder Heavy Bomber 454kg

130 [1] 1 2 1 4 2 1
P51d 110 mustang us sd2

P-51D-5 Light Bomber 113kg

130 [1] 3 2 1 6 4 2 9 6 3
P51d 450 mustang us sd2

P-51D-5 Heavy Bomber 454kg

150 [2] 1 2 1 4 2 1

Defense[ | ]

Unit Cost Cards Phase A Phase B Phase C
Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2 Vet0 Vet1 Vet2
Defense barbeles sd2

Barbed wire

0 [1] 3000
Defense nid mitrailleuse sd2

Gun pit

0 [2] 6
Defense tranchees sd2


0 [2] 1500
Defense bunker mg sd2

Bunker HMG .30

5 [3] 3 2
Defense bunker mg sd2

Bunker HMG .50

15 [2] 2 1

Transport[ | ]

Ford GPA

x 12


x 400


x 24


x 300

Jeep .30

x 50


x 18


x 90


x 155

M3 Scout

x 12


x 65


x 12


x 60


x 20

Recon X X X X X X X X
Scouts X X X X X X
Arm. Rifles X X X X X
Arm. Leader X X X X X X X X X
Arm. Leader (SMG) X X X X X X X X X
Arm. LMG Rifles X X X X X
Arm. Rifles (BAR) X X X X X
Engineer Leader X X X X X X X X X
Engineers X X X X X
Flamethrower X X X X X X X X X
M1919 MMG X X X X X X X X X
M1917A1 X X X X X X
Commander X X X X X
Bazooka X X X X X X X X
M1 Gun X X X X X X X
M5 Gun X X X X X X
Bofors 40mm X X X X X X
Mortar 60mm X X X X X X X X X
Artillery CMD X X X X X
M1A1 'Long Tom' X