12. Tartalék is an Axis Infantry division in Steel Division II. An infantry formation in the process of being rebuilt and refitted after the Hungarian disaster at Stalingrad, the 12th Reserve Division was only supposed to be fighting lightly armed partisans.
Fate decided otherwise, and the Hungarian reserves were hurriedly moved to fill wide-open gaps in Army Group Center’s collapsing front.
With few armored vehicles, 12th Reserve Division most closely resembles a division from World War I, suited to fight in defense with lots of MG’s, well-prepared positions, and fielding sizable artillery support.
Foreign equipment fills its ranks, with vastly different origins; some are obsolete (Belgian guns and French tanks) while others can pack a punch (British 25-pounder guns and even German Pak 40’s).
The 12th Reserve Division requires skill and meticulous planning if it wants a fighting chance to win on the battlefield.